Petio Hristov
May 6, 2023


Constellations, galaxies, and the universe evolve similarly to angiosperm plants here on Earth. This can serve as proof that they are living organisms. There is an analogy between the parts of the flower of a plant and constellations and nebulae in the Solar System:

Another proof that the universe is a living organism is that the universe was formed by six cyclical developments that reside within each other. At the end of each cycle, there are living beings who convert the inanimate matter from one kind into another kind necessary for the construction of the next circular level.

The "smallest" living things that create the first electron in the First Moment are photons. Photons convert the dipoles of magnetic matter into electrons.



Petio Hristov

Researcher. I love the unknown. I’m looking for answers to fundamental physical questions.