Does the past still exist physically?

Petio Hristov
5 min readMay 16, 2023


The past exists physically in the present, and the present will reincarnate in the future.

Time is a primary tangible magnitude that measures the state of dark energy and has a circular configuration.

Dark energy creates conditions for change. Dark energy is magnetic energy.

The term “time” is man-made. It is a “number” that measures the time traveled between characteristic moments of the development of dark energy. That’s why time only goes forward. It cannot slow down, speed up or stop and is a real number.

Time (magnetic energy) depends on the rhythm of creating conditions for converting magnetic matter into quanta light and cycles in the Multiverse.

Micro world — 1: ≈ 1.1116 x 10-⁴ s; 2: ≈ 4.0176 x 10-¹ s; 3: ≈ 24 min.

Universe 4: ≈ 1 yr. ; 5: 3.6 x 10⁴ yr; 6: 4.32 x 10⁹ yr.

Multiverse 7: 3.1104 x 10¹² yr; 8: 1.119744 x 10¹⁸ yr; 9: 4.0310784 x 10²³ yr.

The total amount of matter and energy in nature is always constant

In order to be able to “control” all changes so that the total amount of matter and energy is always constant in the universe, control is divided into six-time levels. At each level, a constant is maintained in separate “closed” regions that are within each other, such as atoms, cells, planets, constellations, galaxies, and the universe.

The control itself is provided by converting the elements inside each closed area.

Conversion is a basic natural process in which the constant total amount of matter and energy is continuously preserved. At the same time, matter and energy are continually passing from one species to another kind quantitatively and from one quality to another.

The change of one element in nature leads to the change of all other elements, so, externally, the system (atoms, cells, planets, constellations, galaxies, and the universe) remains continually unchanged.

The movement in each system creates internal changes and continuous transformation between the elements that make up it. This is reflected as its external immutability.

Cyclical Development in the Universe

The cycles are represented as sequences of sinusoids. Each inner cycle in nature creates a more external natural cycle.

The innermost loop (1) has the highest frequency. This cycle forms a cycle (2). Cycle (2) forms cycle (3).

Each two successive cycles are different. The preceding cycle differs by “a little” from the next cycle because it forms the arc of the outer cycle (2). These “insignificant” differences create and determine cyclic conditions for the development and evolution of matter.

A principle is illustrated in three consecutive cycles. 1 — sine wave at the first level (night in gray, day in yellow); 2 — sine wave on the second level (night in dark gray, day in pink); 3 — sine wave on the third level (night in dark blue, day in red). Each cycle has its time and reciprocal parts — night and day, or creation and destruction. © Petio Hristov — author.

Causality in nature

A series of circulations create continuous internal development. After four cycles of internal development, one cycle of external development is created. In cycles are represented by a circle.

For example, the four-part cycle of internal development in the first level (1) has a duration ≈ 1.1116 x 10-⁴ s. It is marked with blue (1).

After 3600 repetitions of the first cycle, an internal development is completed. The second cycle was also repeated 3600 times with time …….. ≈ 4.0176 x 10-¹ s.

Simultaneously with its internal development of cycle (1) and cycle (2), the first two parts of external cyclic development begin to form. The external development also has four parts and these are marked in red in fig. After the completion of the four parts of the external development of the first four circulations of internal development, a second cycle of external development begins marked by (2) in red.

Principle scheme for the development of the processes of evolution in the four parts of the Model for internal and the four parts of the external development of everything. With blue marks the four parts of the cycle of the Model for the Internal Development of Everything — 1-time; 2 — worlds; 3 — space; 4 — phenomena. The four parts of the cycle of the External Development of Everything Model are marked in red. Here again each number corresponds to the four parts of the development of the basic physical quantities. © Petio Hristov — author.

Creation of elementary particles. Creation of Matter

In the beginning, there is nothing. The First Moment of creation is the emergence of the first electron. At this point, all cycles in the universe and the Multiverse begin. Since then, they have existed continuously.

Matter is created and destroyed in every cycle.

The time of creation and the time for the destruction of elementary particles in the micro world is at a very high speed. At this rate, the processes cannot be separated because there are no suitable devices.

The first level is 1.1116 x 10-⁴ s, and one trial is conducted for 1 or 10 minutes. During this time, an elementary particle has undergone 10,000 or 100,000 times creation and destruction.

The results of the scientists’ research take into account the simultaneous evolution of multiple elementary particles over time, rather than the movement and behavior of an elementary particle during one circulation.

Thus, a quantum in quantum mechanics is simultaneously in different places or there is a living-dead Schrödinger cat.

Scheme of the order of the origin of matter on the first four levels of time. There are four types of cores of dipole magnetic matter. Each type of core is converted by different pairs of bosons. Four initial elementary particles arise. For each elementary particle arises a certain kind of matter. Meaning of dipole designations: 1SϿ↑ — (1) — first dipole, (S) — dark matter with south pole, (Ͽ) — right, (↑) — upper; 2NϾ↓ — (2) second dipole, (N) dark matter with north pole, (Ͼ) — left, (↓) — lower. Different types of magnetic fabrics have the same dipole shells; 1 Ϟ — a magnetic matter that envelops the first magnetic dipole. © Petio Hristov — author.

The first pair of bosons, photons, convert magnetic dipoles into electrons.

The first pair of bosons, photons, which are living matter, convert magnetic dipoles into electrons.

At the end of the first level of circulation, living matter is viruses that create ions from electrons, frequencies from the first arc of light, and quanta.

At the end of the second level of circulation, living matter is the bacteria that create micro elements from electrons, from the frequencies of the first two arcs from light and ions.

At the end of the third level of circulation, living matter is viruses and bacteria that create space, with existing ions and micro elements spreading through diffraction.

At the end of the fourth level of circulation, living matter is humans, animals, and plants that create chemical elements from existing electrons, from the frequencies of four arcs of light and micro elements.

At the end of the fifth level of circulation (constellation circulation), living matter is „Constellation Plants“ that propagate by diffraction of existing chemical elements.

At the end of the sixth level of circulation (galaxy circulation), living matter is „Galactic Plants“, which create macro elements from existing electrons, the frequencies of eight arcs of light and chemical elements.

In the seventh level of circulation (universe circulation), living matter is one „Universе Plant“.



Petio Hristov
Petio Hristov

Written by Petio Hristov

Researcher. I love the unknown. I’m looking for answers to fundamental physical questions.

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