“God doesn’t play dice.” Albert Einstein

How did Einstein’s equation answer the question. What is the nature of the dark universe?

Petio Hristov
9 min readFeb 11, 2021

Einstein’s equation expresses 1. The Beginning of the creation of matter and energy; 2. The circle of matter and energy in nature; 3. The cause of existence and the process of universe development.

It gives a link between three main physical dimensions in the universe: energy, mass, and light speed.

The relationship between these three dimensions in the universe begins with photosynthesis — the formation of matter and the energy of light; continues with the conversion of matter and light energy into matter and energy known as chemical elements and compounds, and ends by determining the time of the various circles in nature by the speed of light.

In all existing physical formulas, where the mass (m) is involved, this is an expression of an existing matter on which gravity acts.

In the circle of nature, matter passes into energy and vice versa. This is a continuous basic and cyclical process.

Einstein’s equation determines the mechanism of circularity and the possibility and time of existence of the universe in nature.

The speed of light as a physical dimension indicates how quickly the spatial position of a material point changes over time over a selected reference system.

Einstein’s equation E = mc^² contains four different elements!

The equation expresses the inviolability of the energy/matter ratio expressed at the speed of light in two different types of light! The speed of the two different types of light is found in two different natural arcs. Each arc is made up of different light carriers that have different quantitative and qualitative characteristics.

In nature, these two arcs are formed separately from each other. One arc closer to the observer is the red color is up. The second arc is formed behind the first, starting from a different place on the first arc. With it, the red color is the opposite of the first and is down. Visually compared the two arcs are mirrored to each other. Mathematically, the elements that makeup one arc are converted to the elements that make up the other arc.

If the speed of light in the first arc of light is marked with the sign “c”, and the speed of light in the second arc of light is marked with the sign “C” Einstein’s equation can also be written and so:

(1)E = m c C

Equations that express the actual processes of the circle in nature are:

(2)m c = E / C

(3)E / c = m C

Equations (2) and (3) are an expression of Newton’s third law — Each action has an equal size and opposite in the direction of countermeasures in one addition, that there is a certain time between action and counteraction.

On the left side of the equation (2), the work of matter and the speed of light (mc) in the first arc of light equals the ratio (E / C), which expresses a process in the second arc of light.

On the left side of the equation (3), the ratio (E / c) expresses a process that takes place in the first arc of light. On the right side of the equation (3), the work (m C) expresses a process that takes place in the second arc of light.

In nature, the existing two arcs of light are converted into a third and fourth arc of light. Similarly, everywhere in nature where there are matter, energy, and light speed, the equation determines the time of circulation.

On the third arc, the beginning “coincides” with the beginning of the second arc, but are shifted into space. On the fourth arc, the beginning “coincides” with the beginning of the first arc, but also here they are shifted into space. Photos featuring the four arcs on the horizon are rare.

In equations (2) and (3), matter passes into energy, and vice versa energy passes into the matter. Between these two processes for each cycle in nature, there is a certain time.

This time is determined by the distance between the elements involved in the two processes in nature and the speed of light.

In the first period, mass is created, stars, planets, and galaxies are formed. This period is perceived as a period of universe creation.

In the second period, energy is created from the existing mass. This period is perceived as a period of destruction of the universe.

This natural process is continuous at all levels of nature. Depending on the different duration of each circle, the duration of each of the two parts is determined — construction and destruction.

The standard model of elementary particles

The standard model of elementary particles begins with four bosons which are: photon, gluon, W boson, and Z boson.

It is known that photon in Greek means light. It is one of the calibration bosons and has zero mass at rest.

The zero-mass of the photon indicates that at the moment of its formation in the universe it is the matter, but there is still no gravity.

The stages of formation of the four arcs of light in terms of the standard model of elementary particles.

The first arc of light

The first arc of light is formed in two stages of the photon.

Created fabric at stage 1: upper quark; lower quark.

Created energy at stage 1: electron; electronic neutrino.

Created energy at stage 2: positron, electronically converted neutrino.

Created fabric at stage 2: upper converted quark; lower converted quark.

Instead, the accepted names in particle physics “particle-antiparticle” in the text are used as: “particle — converted (quantitative and qualitative) particle”.

The second arc of light

Before formation of the second arc in nature, the first arc of light existed. It is formed by converting the first arc into two stages.

Created fabric at stage 1: charming quark; strange quark.

Created energy at stage 1: muon; muon neutrino.

Created energy at stage 2: positive muon; mounted converted neutrino.

Created fabric at stage 2: fascinated by the quark; strange converted quark.

Fig. 1 The arc of light

The third and fourth arcs of light

The first and second arcs that exist are converted into the third and fourth arcs.

Created fabric at stage 1: top (peak, true) quark; (beautiful) quark.

Created energy at stage 1: tao-lepton; tao-neutrino.

Created energy at stage 2: positive tau lepton; tau converted neutrino.

Created fabric at stage 2: top (ultimate, true) converted quark; (handsome) converted quark.

The nature of dark matter

In nature, everything is converted quantitatively and qualitatively from one species to another. (This concept is the basis of “Model of Everything.”)

The existing matter in nature is divided into two main species between which there is a continuous circle — organized matter and disorganized matter.

The organized matter is the known matter in the universe that obeys physical laws.

It is assumed that disorganized matter cannot be known because it does not obey known physical laws and there is no light or gravity in it. This matter is defined as the dark matter of the first kind.

Dark matter of the first kind is assumed to consist of an infinite sea of disorganized matter in which the universe “swims.” This disorganized matter is everywhere in the universe, but it can’t be found anywhere.

The disorganized matter is converted into the organized matter from the four boson - photon, gluon, W boson, and Z boson.

With the help of photon disorganized matter is first converted into light and energy, and then this light and energy are converted into matter and energy. These two processes proceed sequentially. Since the speed of light is constant, at short distances the circle flows in a very short time. The small time of the individual circles remains the impression that the two processes take place simultaneously.

The disorganized matter is also in “contact” with gluon, W boson, and Z boson. Each of these bosons begins to convert the disorganized into organized matter. The processes proceed similarly to the conversion process in which the photon forms light and matter.

It is assumed that gluon, W boson, and Z boson form matter that is “the fin” than the known matter in the universe and there is no light in it. Each of these three new types of matter forms individually a universe similar to the known universe. The four Universes together form one Multiverse.

Most likely, the matter that makes up the universes created by W boson and Z boson is not influenced by gravity. Therefore, the matter created in these universes has no mass.

The gluon-created matter is expected to have a mass. Some of the matter of this universe is expected to consist of a gravitational field.

These three types of unknown “fine” organized fabrics are defined as the dark matter of the second kind, the mass of which is calculated at 25 % because the mass has only one of all the unknown universes.

The third type of dark matter is part of the known universe. This matter cannot be observed for various technical reasons.

There is a continuous circle between disorganized matter and organized matter. This circle is known as the continuous construction and destruction of matter.

The nature of dark energy

The dark energy is defined as three species.

The dark energy of the first kind is the Breath of an infinite ocean of disorganized matter. This Breath penetrates organized matter through the four bosons.

The Breath is constant and unchanging in its continuous change. He’s got nothing to do with it. It is always 100% and manages all processes in nature, creating the conditions for a continuous circle.

One of these conditions in the known universe is the speed of light. There is no light in each of the other three Universes, but there are different “constant speeds” that determine the time of conversion in them.

The universe created by gluon suggests that the circuit of matter and energy in it is determined by “speed of gravity” now known as the gravitational constant.

G = 6.674×10^−11 m³⋅kg^−1⋅s^−2

All we know — time, space, matter, energy is a manifestation of the Breath.

Time is the first manifestation of the Breath. It’s a time between characteristic points in the Breath. Time follows the Breath, and it only goes forward.

The Breath can be illustrated by multiple sinusoids that are formed from each other — from the one with the highest to the one with the lowest frequency. Each sinusoid expresses another level of circular.

The Breath sinusoid is not a straight line. The sinusoid of the first level forms that of the second. Similarly, the sinusoid on the second level forms that of the third, the third forms the fourth, and so on.

The cycle at the most internal level is determined at ≈ (3.1) (10^ — 8) s, and the cycle at the outmost external level is determined at (1.119744) (10¹⁸) yr.

One cycle is composed of two parts — night and day. The night is the upper part of the sinusoid, and the day is the lower part of the sinusoid.

Fig. 2 The second arc of light

The principle of the Breath in three consecutive sinusoids is illustrated. (1) — the sinusoid of breath on the first level (day in yellow, night in gray); (2) — the sinusoid of breath on the second level (day in pink, night in gray); (3) — the sinusoid of breath on the third level (day in red, night in dark blue)

The dark energy of the second kind arises together with the matter of the three unknown universes of the Multiverse. The matter and energy of each of them are in a continuous circle.

The dark energy of the second species 75% or three-quarters of the energy in the Multiverse.

Graviton is energy or matter that participates in the creation of the gravitational field, and this happens after the conversion of disorganized matter from gluon.

The dark energy of the third kind are energies that are in a known universe, but not yet known.



Petio Hristov

Researcher. I love the unknown. I’m looking for answers to fundamental physical questions.