How did the universe create gravity? What exactly is gravity?
Gravity exists! Everyone feels it, and asks, “Did the apple fall on Newton’s head?” Why can’t someone explain gravity?
The modern, modern interpretation of gravity began with the works of Galileo Galilei in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. Through his famous experience with falling spherical bodies from the Tower of Pisa and later with careful measurements of small spheres rolling along an inclined plane, Galileo showed that the Earth’s acceleration was the same for all bodies.
The first mathematical model describing gravity was created by the English physicist Isaac Newton and was set forth in his 1687 work “Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica,” in which he showed his hypothesis that universal attraction obeys the law of inverse squares.
Newton’s formula in which the gravitational constant G, less commonly denoted as f, γ, k2, refers to the interaction between massive objects. It is accepted as a fundamental physical constant, determining the force of attraction between two bodies, defined as gravity.
Two massive objects (planets) have different gravitational constants. This means that the gravitational constant G refers to: each galaxy; and each star system; or if it is for two planets with different gravitational constants G is equal to the square root of the product between the gravitational constants of each of the planets. G² = g1. g2
The idea that the Sun acts on distant objects with a force inversely proportional to the square of the distance to them was considered as early as 1645 by the Frenchman Ismaël Bouliot, but he ultimately rejected the existence of such a force.
Einstein tried to explain “where and how” forces constantly arise to create motion on all existing planets. The proposal is a model for the distortion of space-time by the gravity or mass of the Sun.
Matter arises in the universe at certain and known stages — ions, trace elements, chemical elements, and macro elements. The sun is built and surrounded by chemical elements. The question arises: Why and where do quanta, ions, and trace elements have mass?
The popular equation, by Einstein (1905), is E = mc². This equation applies ONLY to stationary mass!!!
Stationary mass does not exist in nature. The only immovable matter in nature is magnetic, but therefore it has no mass. Therefore, photons that have no mass are made of magnetic matter.
Mass arises as a consequence of movement!
The definition of gravity in physics now reads: Gravity (also gravitational interaction, universal attraction, universal gravitation) is a natural phenomenon whereby all objects possessing mass or energy — including planets, stars, galaxies, and even light — are attracted (or gravitated) to each other. On Earth, gravity gives weight to physical objects, and lunar gravity causes the tides.
These concepts succeed in being explained by a multitude of other concepts — terrestrial acceleration; universal attraction; universal gravity; the force of attraction between two bodies; gravitational constant “G”; Earth acceleration, also called gravitational acceleration or acceleration in free fall and denoted by the letter “G” and whether this is a gravitational constant of attraction; weight; table; and matter?
The new perspective on natural processes is embedded in the New Physics of Unity. The processes are considered in the unity of each process — the interdependence expressed by the continuous change between the parameters and the reflection of the cause-and-effect relationship.
All natural processes are cyclical. They are one after the other and in each other. Every cycle has a beginning, a development, and an end (the destruction of what has been created). At the end of the process, there is “some” matter and energy left, from which the next cycle begins. There are six major cycles in the universe. A formula establishes the time of each cycle. Each cycle is connected to other cycles and thus fulfills more than one natural task — the principle of the least (material), the most economical (energy), and the most rational (the use of available resources at the moment) action in nature.
The new physics is built on the basis of the general processes in nature. There are four basic physical quantities defined here, as well as their role and participation in each individual cycle, reflected in general models of development applicable to everything existing in nature.
The common properties in the construction of the universe are the properties of the initially appeared electron, the movement of the electron, and light. These properties are inherent in basic physical quantities and cyclical development.
“Field” and “wave” are two reciprocal natural phenomena. The field is stationary and arises from stationary matter. Wool is mobile and arises from moving matter. The particle that creates the field is converted into particles that create waves, and vice versa. The conversion in both directions is “performed” by the four bosons — photons, gluons, W bosons, and Z bosons.
In nature, there is only one type of field — a magnetic field, and it is stationary and there is no time for it. It is defined in detail in the New Physics of Unity.
There is no gravitational field in nature; electromagnetic field; quantum field; the field is not a form of existence of matter; is not space-time, nor does space-time exist for the field; it is not scalar, vector, tensor, or spinor; there are no wave fields; nuclear fields; the field has no time, speed, or mass; there are no virtual or hypothetical fields; there is no exchange of particles between fields; There are no hypothetical gravitons or chameleons.
In nature, there are a total of four types of waves, which are determined by the type of moving elementary particles. These particles are electrons, muons, tau, and converted tau.
All other types of oscillations do not propagate on their own. They are superimposed on one of these four waves or familiar fabrics.
Upon careful examination, it is understood that the concept of “gravity” is used as acceleration and cannot be corrected and used in any other sense to explain the universe.
Gravity is formulated in such a way that it cannot be used to explain the processes in the universe. This formulation is irreparable.
What exactly is gravity?
Matter and space cannot be created and cannot exist without gravity, which is a major “regulator” in the universe.
The new name of the “controller” in the universe is Ruler (from the Greek κυβερνήτης diacheinstis — ruler, operator, administrator, controller, line).
Ruhler is primordial in the universe and creates time (motion), matter, and space. Ruhler possesses his inner unity and transmits this unity to everything in the universe.
Unity is created by a connection between opposites.
Ruhler has been involved in the First Moment of the Universe by linking matter and energies — ions, trace elements, chemical elements, and macro elements.
A ruler has three main functions — it creates the same conditions for: (1) a connection between matter and energy; (2) the emergence and development of matter; (3) defines one model of internal development and one model of external development.
To determine the place of each element, it has its Ruler constant.
The Ruhler constant balances the interactions of multiple forces and is a manifestation of the space-time continuum.
The ruler constant is characteristic of the development of: light; sound; and all types of fabric. By balancing and creating unity in the universe.
1. Everything exists and evolves depending on the place defined by the Ruhler constant. This constant in its nature is a manifestation in nature of the space-time continuum, which is a consequence of the secret code of the universe and is determined by various factors. But it is a constant characteristic of each element.
2. The constant regulates and balances the interactions of multiple forces so that the orbit of the element is constant. This constant also creates unity between a certain number of elements, bringing them together into a single whole. In the development of this whole, which is in unity, the constant under certain circumstances changes in its equivalence — it creates conditions under which the previous whole, governed by the constant, for example, “d” is converted into a constant “1/d” and the old unity is divided into two new whole unities. The orbits of the elements in the whole change. The constant of unity of one changes to a constant that divides by two.
3. In the motion determined by the constant of any element, it does not move in a circle. It moves in an orbit “close” to a circle. The movement of multiple elements in a community creates forces between them that are directed by each element toward each element. This creates a “filling” of space by undulating movements of forces or continuous intersecting waves.