The nature of dark energy
It is even possible that what we call dark matter and dark energy are the signatures of some unknown aspect of gravity or space-time itself.
Perhaps the biggest puzzle of all is the odd mix that makes up our universe — ordinary matter, exotic dark matter, and dark energy, all in significant amounts. This odd arrangement may imply, as the Ptolemaic epicycles did, that we do lack a deep enough understanding of the laws of physics underlying our universe.
Two independent lines of evidence indicate the presence of a new form of energy pervading the universe that accounts for two-thirds of the critical density and is causing the expansion of the universe to speed up rather than slow down. This is an extraordinary result, so extraordinary that the first order of business is establishing further evidence for accelerated expansion and the existence of dark energy. Assuming that it exists, this mysterious dark energy exhibits a hitherto unseen feature of gravity (it can sometimes be repulsive), and understanding its nature could lead to progress in our understanding of space, time, and matter.
Primary energy in Vsetzialoto
Vsetzialoto is an expression of the development of space depending on the cycle of time. In other words — time determines the movement of the planets and the expansion of space and not the other way around. So, time expresses the basic energy of movement in the Vsetzialoto. This “invisible” but conscious energy can be seen as the breathing of Vsetzialoto (a new physical concept). This term expresses the energy that creates everything in the nine cycles of Vsetzialoto.
Everything we know — time, space, matter, energy is a manifestation of the breathing of Vsetzialoto.
Time is the first manifestation of the breath of the Vsetzialoto. This explains why it is only moving forward.
Phases of breathing in Vsetzialoto
The breathing can be seen in Vsetzialoto in two phases, which can be seen as “night” and “day” (to be seen here as scientific terms). Between night and day, there are two more transitional periods — “dawn” and “dusk” (to be seen here as scientific terms).
The night in the breathing of Vsetzialoto begins when the male gametes connect to the female gametes and a zygote is formed. The day begins when the plant germinates and begins to grow until it forms the small gametes which reach the color of the plant. The transitional period of dusk corresponds to the moment when the male gamete enters the stigma to the fertilization. When the seeds shell opens and the moment the young stem grows out of the soil, is termed the dawn transitional period. These periods are analyzed for the male gamete. Naturally, these four periods are different for the different types of plants. The pattern of transition from day to night resembles a sinusoid (Fig. 1)
The breathing of the Vsetzialoto is illustrated in nine sinusoids formed from one another — from that with the highest frequency (in the first level) to that with the lowest (the ninth level).
On the sixth level of the Vsetzialoto, between each two Maha Yugas, there is a period called Krita Yuga with 1.728.000 solar years. During this time the number of living organisms decreases in the inner levels of the Vsetzialoto. During this period the Milky Way as well as other galaxies that are visible parts of the Galactic plant are on a Mega planet and are currently underwater.
The first period in the seventh level of the Vsetzialoto is called Manavantara, which has a duration of 71 Maha Yugas or 306.720.000 solar years. The end of each Manavantara is followed by a period of partial destruction, with a duration of a single Krita Yuga — 1.728.000 solar years and is called Samdih Kala. This period does not influence the sinusoid of the breathing of the Vsetzialoto.
Each day of Brahma with a duration of 4.32 billion solar years is followed by the night of Brahma which is with the same duration. During the night period, there is the destruction of all that exists in the first to the sixth level of Vsetzialoto. This period influences the sinusoid of breathing on Vsetzialoto’s seventh level (Fig. 4).
The sinusoid of the breathing of Vsetzialoto is not a straight line (Fig. 2, 3, and 4). The sinusoid of the first level of the Vsetzialoto forms that of the second. In the same way, the sinusoid of the second level of the Vsetzialoto forms that of the third, the third forms the fourth, and so on. That is how the breathing penetrates between the different levels of the Vsetzialoto.
In Fig. 2 the sinusoid — is a recurring pattern of the sinusoid — 2 where all transitions from day and night on the first level are included in the longer transitions of the second. The same is true when looking at the sinusoid — 3.
Fig. 3 expresses the breathing of the Vsetzialoto in levels four through six that are in each other. In the same way, Fig. 4 expresses the breathing of the Vsetzialoto in levels seven to nine.
To illustrate the breathing of the Vsetzialoto in the universe, I take the ratio of night and day in the universe is about 70% to 30%.
During the night on the seventh to ninth level a state of destruction is present on all the inner levels in which the breathing discontinues. So, during such periods sinusoids on the inner levels are not present.
The duration of the breathing of the Vsetzialoto on its different levels is presented in Table 1.
Cosmic rest
The rate of expansion of the universe did not match predictions based on radiation measurements left over from the Big Bang that gave rise to the known universe 13.800.000.000 yr. ago. In measurements, its rate of expansion slows down by about yr. The source of this delay is unknown so far. There is an assumption that dark energy is the reason.
In June 2016, NASA and ESA scientists reported that the universe was found to be expanding 5% to 9% faster than has been thought earlier, based on studies using the Hubble Space Telescope.
The “effect” associated with the accelerating universe is called “cosmic rest”. For its discovery, the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics was given to Saul Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt, and Adam G. Riess.
Physicist and leading author Adam Riess said: “You start at two ends, and you expect to meet in the middle of all of your drawings are right and your measurements are right. But now the ends are not quite meeting in the middle and we want to know why.”
I believe that the change in the degree of expansion of the universe is due to both cosmic rest and something else, which is defined as “cosmic acceleration” (a new physical concept). These two phases occur in each of the nine Vsetzialoto levels.
As with the breathing of the Vsetzialoto, there should be two transitional periods between cosmic rest and cosmic acceleration. These periods are not yet registered and have no name. Current measurements of astrophysicists are very likely to refer to one of these periods.
Cosmic rest and cosmic acceleration are manifestations of the breath of the Vsetzialoto, and together they are constant for each particular level.
The estimated duration of the delay in the expansion of the universe by astronomers is about yr. This duration refers to the development of a seventh-level Mega plant in Vsetzialoto. For this level, the day lasts 4.320.000.000 yr. The same duration has the night. Cosmic rest is likely to have the last 4.320.000.000 yr.
From table 1 it follows that the cosmic rest observed at the seventh level by Vsetzialoto exists in all the more internal levels. For the sixth level, cosmic rest is about yr., for the fifth level about — 26.000 yr., for the fourth level about 0.7 yr., for the third level about 12 min, etc.
Dark energy is defined as the breath of the Vsetzialoto.
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