The nature of dark matter
The non-luminous matter termed dark matter is believed to compose most of the universe.
Evidence of the presence of dark matter is deduced by its gravitational effect on the regular matter but the nature and composition of dark matter itself are still unknown.
The nature of both dark matter and dark energy is still unexplainable by contemporary physics models. This and the following related paper are an attempt to make a parallel between the natures of these phenomena and another understandable process (composed of regular matter) in our galaxy.
Do we know the time? It is irreversible, a basic physical dimension and the fourth dimension. It measures the duration and sequence of states and events. From time immemorial, periodic events and periodic movements have served as a standard for measuring time. Examples are the rotation of the Earth around its axis, around the Sun, the phases of the Moon.
The Veda time measuring system
The Indian Veda time measuring system is the only fully preserved ancient system for measuring, and it is known that “Veda” means “to know”. The Veda astronomy gives a very detailed division of time. The time rhythm of time is determined by the movement of the smallest time unit “paramanu” which is equal to 26.3 µs and it repeats itself cyclically. Other units in the Veda system are nadi, equal to 24 min, vinadi equal to 24 sec, prana equal to 4 sec, nemashta equal to 88.889 msec, tapara equal to 2.96296 msec and truti equal to 26.6296 microsec.
The Veda system includes a measurement of time in “Deva” (Deva refers to the place in the universe). One day of Deva is equal to one human year, one month of Deva is equal to 30 days of Deva, a year of Deva is equal to 12 months of Deva. The life of a Deva is 100 Deva years or 36.000 solar years. The next Veda division of time has 4 eras, 4 days, or 4 Yugas. These are the Krita Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga which have a time ratio of 4:3:2:1 or 1,728,000: 1,296,000: 854,000: 432,000 solar years. These four Yugas are termed the four eras, or Maha Yuga (4.320.000 solar years). Today we are in the Kali Yuga era.
The 71 cycles of Maha Yuga are called Manvantara. At the end of every Manvantara there comes a period of partial destruction called Sandrih Kali. Manvantara is one of the 14 divisions in the cosmic creation and has the duration of 71 Maha Yugas or 306,720,000 solar years. Today we live in the 28^th Maha Yuga of the 7^th Manvantara. The 14 Manvantara form one Kala or one day of Brahma which has a duration of 4.32 billion solar years. The “night” of Brahma has the same duration. Brahma lives for a total of 100 years (each year containing 0 days, one of which is equal to 4,32.¹⁰⁶ years). Today Brahma is 50 years old.
The life of Brahma is equal to 3.1104 quadrillion solar years. This period is called the Maha Kala. The universe can pass only through on Maha Kala. At its end, the universe is destroyed along with Brahma the creator, after which a new universe will be created with a new Brahma. This cycle is infinite.
Definition of the new physic term Vsetzialoto
Vsetzialoto defines space and nature as one single live organism, which has all the forms of energy and matter, necessary for its existence. The term is composed of the Slavic words for “all” (vse), “whole” (tzialo), and the suffix “to” meaning the only, the one, the unique and the supreme. On the one hand, Vsetzialoto includes terms such as Microworld, universe, and Macro world, on the other hand, Vsetzialoto is divided into several (nine) levels.
The existence and development of this organism are a result of distinct processes from each level, which have a similar nature. All levels are connected in this organism and are interdependent. Time in the Vsetzialoto is the common magnitude on all the levels and it can be measured on each of them. Time in the Vsetzialoto is “all-penetrating”. On each level there is a particular life cycle, all life cycles are common throughout the different levels. The known planets, stars, galaxies, and nebulae have particular functions in this organism. Vsetzialoto is an expression of the development of space independence with time.
Most of the contemporary cosmologic modes are based on the principle that our point of observation (the Solar system) is a common part of the universe. On a large scale, the universe looks similar in all its points (homogeneity) and all directions (isotropy). In the Vsetzialoto model, the Solar system is looked upon as a special point in the cosmos. This would suggest that the universe in its nature is anisotropic and heterogeneous. In the theory of Hartle — Hawking “no-boundary proposal” it is believed that whole space-time is limited and is a state of the universe before the Planck epoch.
I define time as primal and fundamental from which space and the rest originate. The Beginning is a new term in physics, which specifies the moment of the beginning of each new cycle, but this moment is different from the moment of the Big Bang.
The formula for calculating the cycles in the Vsetzialoto
The first level of Vsetzialoto is calculated from the values of the smallest time unite defined from the Vedas as “truti” ≈ (3.1) (10^- 8) s.
The time of a single cycle in a level of the Vsetzialoto is calculated by equation 1) where TC is the time for a single cycle; k is the level of Vsetzialoto. The number 360 is rounded from the number of days within a year at each level of the Vsetzialoto. The coefficient CC is calculated using Table 1.
For the fourth and the sixth level of Vsetzialoto, this coefficient is different. This is because the universe is situated between the Microworld and the Macro world. The fifth level of Vsetzialoto is in the middle of the nine levels and gives the balance between these worlds. As a result of this balance in the transition between the Microworld and the universe is expressed in the coefficient of the fourth level, which is 6 rather than 10. For the same reason, the transition between the universe and the Macro world is described with the coefficient 0.033(3) rather than 10.
Life on Deva is an expression of life in the fifth level of Vsetzialoto. On the fifth level, the cycle (36 000 solar years) defines the rate of development of the Solar system, respectively this period of development has a big influence on the Earth.
The first, second, and third levels of the Vsetzialoto compose the Microworld, which contains microscopic systems, organisms. The fourth, fifth, and sixth levels compose the universe, which contains Solar systems and the seventh, eighth, and ninth — the Macro world. It is too early to say what systems exist in the macro world, but in this system, there is life and there are cycles.
Cycles in Vsetzialoto
The time duration of a single cycle in the different levels of the Vsetzialoto are shown in Table 2.
From Tab. 2 it can be seen, that all cycles can be measured by measuring the time of the Earth. There is no physical barrier between levels. It should be noted, that at 7th level (4.32) (10^ 9) yr is the length of the day, with night having the same duration.
The best model, describing the cycle in any level of Vsetzialoto is fertilization in flower plants (angiosperms or Magnoliophyta). The fertilization process involves the formation of two male gametes. The first merges with the egg, the second one with the second core in the zygote sac, where are the first initials of the development of the zygote, and the second creates the reserve substances. Upon fertilization, a zygote is formed which will later form the new organism. The male gamete is that part of the plant, which continuously passes from one cycle to another.
The model offers the perception of the visible universe as parts of plants, which are at different levels of the Vsetzialoto. Dark matter is part of these same plants, which are invisible. Determining the different plants, their parts and their level from the Vsetzialoto can identify the type and place of the dark matter.
Life on the first, second, and third levels of Vsetzialoto a.k.a. Microworld is studied by microbiologists.
The universe
The Beginning is defined as the moment when the male and female gametes are joined in the flower the plant.
A fourth-level plant of Vsetzialoto that is on Earth has a cycle equal to one sidereal year equal to 365.256363004 ephemeral days. This is the average time interval between two successive transitions of the Sun through the spring equinox.
The transitional period in which our solar system is located at the fifth level of the Vsetzialoto started on December 21, 2012, and will end with the Beginning or at the time when the constellation male and female gametes form a constellation zygote. The Beginning is expected in about 200 years.
At the sixth level of Vsetzialoto, the transitional period begins with the beginning of Kali Yuga, at midnight on 17/18 February 3102 BC. The Beginning occurred when galactic male and female gametes formed a galactic zygote in one of the colors of the galactic plant and it is designated as 0 year AC.
A male gamete of a plant located on Earth is part of a plant.
The Earth is part of our Solar System, which is a constellational male gamete and is part of a Constellation plant. On this level, a constellational zygote will soon be formed, which will be located in one of the flowers in the Constellation plant. This plant will probably bear several flowers. Around this plant, there may be other Constellation plants.
The Constellation male gamete is part of the galactic male gamete on the sixth level of Vsetzialoto, which on its own is part of a Mega male gamete on the seventh level and so on.
Studies have shown that almost all the massive galaxies are located in the center of the supermassive black hole. Like the levels in Vsetzialoto, the male gametes are also inserted into each other. The same is observed also with the black holes located in each other.
Studies have shown that black holes are the nectarines of different types of plants.
Plants generate organic matter using carbon dioxide, inorganic minerals, and photons (light energy) — photosynthesis. The plants excrete their byproducts through their nectary, stem, and roots. Supernovas generate energy star-formation and deposit “waste” matter into black holes. The fate of the matter deposited in the black holes is still unknown.
Around the nectary of the flower, from the second male and female gamete is formed a tissue, secreting nectar, which attracts pollinators such as insects. Nectar thickens and forms food tissue for the embryo. The miniature spheroid galaxy Sagittarius A is the second galactic male gamete, that has already been associated with the second galactic female gamete near the black hole Sagittarius A has already begun the production of the active galactic nucleus. The gas structure around the black holes is very complex and even asymmetric. Looking at the black hole of the center galaxy M77, the matter is accumulated and intense light is emitted. The active galactic nucleus explodes from the outside inward, where compression of gas occurs in the form of concentric waves — an implosion.
Today we can distinguish approximately two trillions of galaxies. The Andromeda (M31) galaxy also includes within itself six cycle levels as well as the Milky Way. This rule applies to two trillions of galaxies, all of which are Galactic plants and grow on a Mega Planet from the seventh level of Vsetzialoto.
The flower is connected with the stem via the pedicel, the basis of which might bear bracts. The upper part of the pedicle forms the joint on which the flower is located. The flower itself consists of many petals and sepals which together form the perianth. The anther and the ovary form the fertile part of the flower. After a plant is fertilized the zygote starts to grow and the endosperm is formed — which is a tissue containing reserve substances.
Plant analogs of the fifth level of Vsetzialoto
The first male gamete
Our Solar system is a constellational male gamete of a Constellation plant on the fifth level of Vsetzialoto.
I believe that orbiting around one of the stars of “sash” of Orion (the stars Alnitak, Alnilam, Mintaka) there is a constellational planet. This planet is in such a distance from its star, that its full orbit would take 36 000 solar years. On this planet, there is a Constellation plant in which our Solar system is one of its male gametes. This planet cannot be found on the maps of the Milky Way, which would mean that if it exists it is in the form of dark matter.
The second male gamete
An analog for the second male gamete is not yet known. Supposedly it is situated near the nectary of the Constellation plant — near a black hole, which is also yet to be discovered or it is invisible.
The first female gamete
Sirius is the first constellational female gamete of the Constellation plant from the fifth level of Vsetzialoto; on this level, our Solar system is the constellational male gamete. Around Sirius, there should be a planet with life.
The second female gamete
An analog for the second female gamete is not yet known. It probably is situated close to the nectar of the Constellation plant or near a black hole, where it is connected to the second male gamete. “They will soon” begin the creation of nectar, which might be seen as the formation of new nebulas.
The anther
Probably the hypothetic planet Phaeton is part of the anther of the Constellation plant from the fifth level of Vsetzialoto. In a plant, the pollen ripens and when ready the anther opens and the pollen is transported by winds, water, or by insects. I also believe that the star Rigel is also a part of the anther. It is highly possible that Rigel and Phaeton are connected or were connected once. After the opening of the anther, the constellational male gametes are transported to the stigma of the Constellation plant. They can be seen as the constellation Eridanus.
Our Solar system was once part of the Eridanus constellation. Some constellations of male gamete from the Eridanus are similar to those in the Solar system.
The nectary
The nectar of the Constellation plant corresponds to the black hole. For the fourth level of the Vsetzialoto, there has not been discovered a black hole yet, but it most certainly exists in its “close” to the Solar system. I believe that the Solar system is headed for the female gamete (Sirius) and the nectary may be near Sirius. Most probably this black hole (the nectary) is obscured by dark matter — probably the stigma, style, or the anther. Somewhere near these black holes the second constellational male and female gamete are connected.
The plant
I cannot determine the Constellation plant, which has created the constellational male gamete on the fifth level of Vsetzialoto. This Constellation plant may have no analog on Earth.
Plant analogs of the sixth level of Vsetzialoto
The first male gamete
The arm of Orion is a galactic male gamete in a Galactic plant on the sixth level Vsetzialoto. Close to the inner margin of Orion’s arm our Solar system lies. The arm of Orion is located between the arm of Sagittarius and the arm of Perseus.
The second male gamete
The miniature spheroid galaxy Sagittarius A is the second male gamete that met with the second female gamete in 0 years BC near a black hole. After this fertilization, the formed clouds of dark matter blocked the massive black hole by forming the reserve tissue of the zygote.
The first female gamete
The star Merope which is the smallest of the Pleiades is the female galactic gamete from the sixth level of Vsetzialoto which connected with the first galactic male gamete (Orion) in 0 years BC. The Pleiades is a scattered star cluster part of which is the constellation Taurus.
The situation of the brightest star of the Pleiades is to a greater extent similar to that of the Big and Little Dipper. This is not coincidental since the Polar Star and the Pleiades are both females gametes of the fifth and sixth levels respectively.
The second female gamete
The second female gamete is close to the nectary of the Galactic plant or near a black hole of Sagittarius A, where it has connected with the second male gamete and together they have formed nectar which is visible as nebulas.
The anther
The description of “the Teapot” reminds me of the anther from which four nebulas are formed. Each nebula contains a galactic male gamete on the sixth level of the Vsetzialoto. The arm of Sagittarius A ends in the center of the Milky Way. The constellation Sagittarius contains several well-known nebulas — the Lagoon Nebula (Messier 8), close to λ Sagittarius; the Omega Nebula (Messier 12).
The nectary
I believe that the massive black hole in Sagittarius A is the nectary of the Galactic plant.
The plant
On the sixth level, the Galactic plant resembles a lotus.
The nature of dark matter
The number of different lives known in science is large. There are certainly even more in Vsetzialoto. In the text when referring to biological organisms, they are defined by the general term “plant” because they all grow and have cyclic development.
A fourth-level male gamete of a Vsetzialoto plant is found on Earth. The mass of the Earth also includes the mass of all the plants that are on it.
The solar system, which is a male gamete on the fifth level of Vsetzialoto is located on constellation earth. The Orion arm, which is a male gamete, on the sixth level of Vsetzialoto, is located on the galactic earth. All visible and invisible galaxies are part of the male gamete of the Mega plant from the seventh level of Vsetzialoto growing on mega earth. The mass of mega earth includes the mass of all visible and invisible galaxies.
The motions on Earth, on the constellated earth, on the galactic earth, and on the mega earth on which we find ourselves at the same time are likely to have rotational motions, similar to the movements known to us on Earth. From these movements, it is possible to identify visible parts of the plants at different levels in Vsetzialoto. This can also be used to confirm the data from the Table of the cycles in the different levels of Vsetzialoto.
The nature of dark matter and visible matter are parts of biologically living matter that are at different levels from Vsetzialoto and obey the same general physical laws.
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