Theory of Everything and the Dark Universe

Petio Hristov
24 min readApr 11, 2022


© Petio Hristov — Author

A theory that has no limitations is called The Theory of Everything. It has an answer for all research done in the past now and the future.

Some people set the conditions for the Theory of Everything. One group wants The Theory to summarize the ideas of QFT and GR. Another group expects String Theory or M-Theory to determine Everything. A third group wants the Theory to unite the four forces — gravity, strong force, weak power, and electromagnetism. Some want Theory of Everything to be tested experimentally. All these desires are kind of limitations on the Theory of Everything, and before it was discovered, it turned it into a Theory of Nothingness.

Theory of Everything must determine how the micro world, the universe, and the Multiverse emerge? How everything happens in nature — space, life. A theory that can look to the beginning and the evolution.

Nature has its laws, which are not influenced by any theory.

Now there is a scientific mystery “How does the universe expand?”

The problem is that the more accurate research is done, different methods of measuring the expanding universe lead to different, incompatible results, and the central values refuse to change.

The red light shift is explored in which the distances between unrelated objects change over time in the expanding universe.

Theory of Everything provides an answer: light in the universe manifests itself in eight different arcs of light. The red light is found in each of them.

The measured displacement of the red light depends on the distance traveled, without taking into account the fact that each of the arcs of light has a red light with different quantitative and qualitative characteristics created in a different space at different times. This leads to different quantitative measurements of red light displacement.

In search of Theory of Everything, it was established that the natural creation and development model is the common link for everything that exists.

The Model for the development of everything

The model sought is the “unity” that exists in nature. Unity is expressed by a variety of manifestations of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the elements.

It comes down to a key expression: “Cycle, movement, unity, causation, quantity, and quality can determine The Model for the development of everything in nature.

The cycle can be expressed with movement in a circle or with the sinusoid.

Opposites can be expressed with two intersecting straight at right angles. The connection between the circle and the two straight determines four opposite points — two horizontally, two vertically, and four spaces between them.

Circulation is an ever-changing position at one point determined by the intersection of the circle and the movement of its radius.

Each of the four parts of the circle is independent, and on the other hand, each part is connected to the other three parts with a causal relationship.

All existing elements in nature are obtained by converting from other elements. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics change.

The Model for the development of everything is expressed with two elements that have opposite characteristics, and are converted into two other elements with opposite characteristics to a third element, which is common to the two pairs of elements.

Conversion is a mathematical and physical process of changing quantitative and qualitative characteristics while preserving the immutability of the common.

Conversion determines causation. Mirror-opposite elements and directions of development are observed in each natural cycle.

In nature, there are two main types of development — internal development and external development.

Internal development is determined by the conversion of elements, which results in other elements with opposite quantitative and qualitative characteristics inside the part.

External development is determined by the internal development of four mirror-symmetrical parts.

The Model of the internal development of everything is composed of eight elements that form eight rectangular triangles (Fig. 1).

The elements are so connected in that figure that when the value of one of the elements changes, the values of all the other elements change.

The Model of development of everything is expressed by more than one equation. The equations come from the Pythagorean theorem. They are famous and undeniable.

The development model of everything can be applied without exceptions to all-natural research.

Geometric Model for internal development of everything

Fig 1. Geometric Model for internal development of everything. Point “F” in the center of a circle. The continuous change in place of point “M” describes a circle with radius d = D. Circulation and conversion into nature shall be expressed by the modification of all the elements involved. © Petio Hristov — author.

The first two elements with opposite characteristics

The elements “a” and “b” are marked with blue (Fig. 1) and have a linear configuration.

(1) a = a1 + a2 + … + an

(2) b = b1 + b2 + … + bn

The second two elements with opposite characteristics

Items “A” and “B” are marked with orange and have a circular configuration.

(3) A = (1 / A1) + (1/ A2) + … + (1 / An)

(4) B = (1 / B1) + (1/ B2) + … + (1 / Bn)

Item “A” is equal to a reciprocal value of “a” when d = D = 1

(5) (5) A = 1/ a;

(6) a = 1/ A

The third element to which the conversion takes place

The elements “d” and “D” are always equal.

(7) d = D

In general, the element “d” is equal to a square root of the sum of squares of “a” and “b” and the section “D” is equal to a square root of the reciprocal value of the sum of the reciprocal values of the squares of “A” and the reciprocal value of the square of “B”.

(8) d = √ a^ 2 + b^ 2

(9) D = 1 / √ 1 / A^ 2 +1 / B ^2

Often in physics, equations are used in which the angle “φ” has characteristic values — 30, 45, 60 degrees.

Geometric Model for external development of everything

The Model of external development is depicted with four geometric Models of internal development, which are located in each of the four parts of the circle (Fig. 2).

The numbering of different areas determines the order of development and mirrors symmetry in nature.

The first pair with reciprocal symmetry are parts 1 and 3, and the second pair with reciprocal symmetry are parts 2 and 4. Thus, elements with reciprocal parameters can be viewed two by two.

fig 2. The model of external development. The mirror symmetry of the elements involved in the different parts of the cycle is determined by the specific properties of each of the shoulders of the four main physical dimensions located between the different parts. © Petio Hristov — author.

Evolution and a Model for the development of everything

The beginning and end of two consecutive natural cycles are not located at the “same point”. Each cycle shifts the spatial angle of the beginning with a “little”. This is a consequence of the conditions for change created in nature, which may be the secret code of the universe.

Harmony can be presented as two homogeneous subsystems that are dialectically opposite to each other, and represent impaired symmetry that creates the possibility of evolution in nature.

The series of identical cycles do not develop in a straight line. They form the sinusoid, which forms another sinusoid with a lower frequency. And so the sinusoid from the sinusoid, the different cycles are formed from each other, and each cycle has its time and reciprocal parts — day and night. Fig. 3

Fig. 3 A principle is illustrated in three consecutive cycles. 1 — the sinusoid on the first level (day in yellow, night in gray); 2 — the sinusoid on the second level (day in pink, night in gray); 3 — the sinusoid on the third level (day in red, night in dark blue). © Petio Hristov — author.

Basic physical dimensions in the New Physics of Unity


Time is a primary tangible magnitude that measures the state of dark energy and has a circular configuration.

Dark energy creates conditions for change.

The term “time” is man-made. It is a “number” that measures the time traveled between characteristic moments of the development of dark energy. That’s why time only goes forward. It cannot slow down, speed up or stop and is a real number.

Time (dark energy) depends on the rhythm of creating conditions for converting dark matter into quanta light and cycles in the universe.

There are nine main time cycles in the universe. The time cycle at each level of the world is determined by a formula. Each sequence number of the cycle has a certain time, which is:


(1) ≈ (1.1116) (10^ — 4) s; (2) ≈ (4.0176) (10^ — 1) s; (3) ≈ 24 min.


(4) ≈ 1 yr.; (5) = (3.6) (10^ 4) yr.; (6) = (4.32) (10^ 9) yr.


(7) = (3.1104) (10¹²) yr.; (8) = (1.119744) (10¹⁸) yr.; (9) = (4.0310784) (10²³) yr.


The new concept of worlds expresses the unity between matter and energy, which are a system with dynamic characteristics and have a circular configuration.

The processes in the world depend only on time because only it exists before them. The nine main cyclical times define nine worlds. Each of them is characterized by specific matter and energy. The worlds are in each other, and there are no physical boundaries between them.


Space is formed by the created matter and time has been converted to the world. It has a linear configuration, with two separate and sequentially developing parts. Each cyclical time forms its world, and all worlds form space.

Everything has its own space. It is a shape and structure with static characteristics and has seven dimensions. They are: east, west, north, south, up, down, and here. These dimensions exist everywhere in the universe.

The shape and structure of space have a crystalline shape and seven main manifestations: 1. Cubic; 2. Square; 3. Triclinic; 4. Monoclinic; 5. Diamond; 6. Rhombohedral; 7. Hexagonal.


Phenomena are a new physical concept. They are four types — light, smell, sound, and taste.

Each phenomenon is characterized by a dual nature of manifestation: the main frequency of the phenomenon, and the carrier of the phenomenon. Each of the two manifestations has a linear configuration and is composed of two contradictory parts of development.

The frequency of each phenomenon develops in two different directions relative to the center inwards and outwards in a spiral.

The carrier of the phenomenon is a biologically living being and has a dual manifestation — male and female.

Changing the frequency of the phenomenon changes its carrier. Changing the carrier of the phenomenon changes its frequency.

Phenomena are converted worlds relative to space, and the space/time ratio is a number that determines the basic frequency of each phenomenon.

The reciprocal value of the main frequencies of phenomena are numbers determining the spatial/temporal continuum. Everything that exists has its own space/time continuum.

The basic biological living matter in the universe is defined as a plant. Constellations, galaxies, and the universe are parts of biological living matter and develop similar to the color of an angiosperm plant.

To have a generation of one angiosperm plant, a “meeting” of two pairs of reciprocal gametes is needed. The first pair of gametes are “found” in the color of the plant, the second pair of gametes are “found” in front of the black hole, which is the floral axis of the plant.

The properties of the four shoulders expressing the main physical dimensions

During circulation, the elements pass through the four parts of the Model for the external development of everything. It is visualized that each element begins its cycle by entering a certain part of the Model. It passes over the shoulder and enters the volume of physical magnitude.

Fig. 4. The optics shall examine the physical properties of the change in the direction of light at the boundary between two different environments. The known universe is formed from matter that is converted by light, so the physical properties of light on the boundary between two environments also determine the properties of the shoulder of physical dimensions. Changing the boundary between two different environments is transmission; reflection; refraction; diffraction; adsorption; scattering.

For the external development of everything in nature, three consecutive mirror symmetries are determined between the four parts in one cycle. The fourth mirror symmetry is located between two consecutive cycles.

The four main physical dimensions are depicted as the shoulder between the four parts of the cycle.

The four shoulders form two intersecting lines in one circle. Each of the four shoulders has a specific mirror symmetry which always in all-natural cycles has the same properties.

Between the shoulder, a “volume” is formed for the physical magnitude after passing over her shoulder, or this is the part of the physical magnitude for development. Here each element always has the same development.

The beginning of circulation starts begins with shoulder time.

When passing the element over the shoulder time refraction its image. The directions in which one point of the element shifts are from north to south by 900 and at the same time from east to west by 1800. (Fig. 5)

By entering the element in the volume of the time part, it begins its development. It is visualized as a movement of the element in the volume of the part and it has two reflections. Each reflection shall result in new elements which are quantitatively and qualitatively opposed to existing elements. The following is the development of all elements that reach shoulder worlds.

Fig. 5 Separation of processes repetitive in the four parts of the external development of everything between the shoulder of the main physical dimensions and their parts. The portal for passing through space is illustrated with a yellow dot in the shoulder space. This is possible only in during the yellow time recorded, between different levels of the worlds of biological living matter. © Petio Hristov — author.

Shoulder worlds as a mirror transmit the image of the already existing elements. The directions in which one point of each element shifts are from south to north by 1800 and at the same time from west to east by 900.

As the elements enter the volume of the part of the world, they begin their development. In this development, the opposite quantitative and qualitative elements are obtained in two reflections inside the part of the world. The complete development of all created elements follows.

Shoulder space as a mirror creates diffraction of the images of existing elements. The directions in which one point of element shifts are from south to north by 900 and at the same time from west to east by 1800.

By entering the volume of the part of space, the elements begin their repeated reflection. Following the complete development of all the created elements for the formation of space, they reach shoulder phenomena.

Shoulder phenomena such as mirrors create scattering and adsorption of existing images. Along with the dispersal of the images of the elements, its frequency and the very beginning of the development of the phenomenon are formed.

The directions in which one point of an element crossing the shoulder shifts are from south to north by 1800 and at the same time from west to east by 900.

With the entry into the volume of the part of phenomena, all elements of the scattered spectrum begin their independent development.

In this development, to obtain the opposite quantitative and qualitative elements in the spectrum, each element has two reflections inside its part of the phenomenon.


Quantum comes from Latin, “quantum” and means “how much”, “how much”. Over time, the meaning of the concept expands. It can be said in a nutshell that everything in the world consists of at least the ultimate indivisible beings.

Classical physics is causal; knowledge of the past makes it possible to calculate the future.

Objects in quantum physics are neither particles nor waves; they are a strange combination of both. Having full knowledge of the past, we can only make probable predictions for the future.

The New Physics of Unity determines circulation with its internal and external development and the properties of the four main physical dimensions to which quantum obey. It creates an opportunity with full knowledge of the past and future of the Multiverse.

Applying the Model for the development of everything in revealing the secrets of the dark universe

Types of matters and energies

Matter and energy in nature are not lost and not created. They are continuously converted from one species to another on all levels of the world. Dark matter and dark energy are also involved in the circulation of matter and energy in nature.

Matter cannot exist without energy, and energy cannot exist without matter.

Types of matter

Dark matter

Dark matter is unknown until now. According to the New Physics of Unity in nature, it appears in three main species.

The boson is defined as a biological living matter. The place of the four pairs of bosons in nature is located at the end of dark matter of the first kind. They create the beginning of the universe (the Multiverse) and convert dark matter into quanta.

The conversion of dark matter into quanta is dependent on conditions created by dark energy. Elementary particles are defined as four types: quanta light, quanta odor, quanta sound, and quanta taste.

“Familiar” is the development of quanta light. They are converted according to the Model for internal and external development of everything and create eight types of arcs of lighters of light that are converted by carriers of phenomena into four types of matter.

The development of other types of quanta is not known, but it is expected to be similar to quanta light. As they develop, the matter is created that make up the Multiverse.

The internal development of dark matter of the first kind

Dark matter is defined as magnetic matter. She’s not familiar.

In physics, the concepts of magnetic field and electromagnetic waves are known. These are the collecting names of the magnetic materials and magnetic energies existing in nature, composed of dipole and magnetic forces. “Familiar” is electrical fields composed of electrical forces.

Magnetic dipole — Model of the internal development of magnetic matter

Fig. 6. Four types of cores in the dipole. Meaning of the indications in the dipole: 1SϿ↑ — (1) — first dipole, (S) — dark matter with south pole, (Ͽ) — right, (↑) — upper; 2NϾ) — (2) second dipole, (N) dark matter with north pole, (Ͼ) — left, (↓) — lower. Different types of magnetic matter have different dipole sheaths; 1 Ϟ — a magnetic matter which envelops the first magnetic dipole. © Petio Hristov — author.

The idea is that each dipole is made of shell — Ϟ — and core — ϴ. Each shell — Ϟ and core — ϴ has two parts. The magnetic matter is formed by two mirror dipoles — 1 and 2. Each dipole has two reciprocal sides.

The shell consists of three types of dark matter that interact. One matter has a north pole, the second matter has a south pole, and the third matter is neutral, there are no poles. These are the parts that are missing to close the shell. The shell is the same for the two double cores for a kind of magnetic matter.

There are four types of cores. They are displayed as two coins, each coin having two sides. The shape of the core is not known.

Tab. 1

face back

1 core

upper 1SϿ↑ 1NϾ↑

lower 1SϿ↓ 1NϾ↓

2 core

upper 2NϾ↑ 2SϿ↑

lower 2NϾ↓ 2SϿ↓

Each core on one side of the coin is composed of two parts — upper and lower. The two upper parts of the first coin 1SϿ↑ and 1NϾ↑ converted to the two lower parts of the core 1SϿ↓ and 1NϾ↓.

The two upper parts of the second coin 2SϿ↑ and 2NϾ↑ converted to the two lower parts of the core 2SϿ↓ and 2NϾ↓.

Magnet spectrum — Model of external development of magnetic matter

The model for the external development of magnetic matter has two manifestations. The first manifestation is the spectrum of magnetic waves visible around a magnet saturation with iron powder.

One horizontal survey with reciprocal values from the magnetic wave spectrum and one vertical survey of the upper part at the bottom of the magnetic wave spectrum shall be observed.

Fig. 7. Magnetic wave spectrum. Ƚ is the length of the spectrum, Ƚ1, Ƚ2, Ƚ3, Ƚ4, Ƚ5, Ƚ6 are parts of it. The “h” symbol is the height of half the wave. The meaning of “2h” is that the second height is twice the height of the first height. The left part is reciprocal on the right side. The upper and lower parts are mirrored. © Petio Hristov — author.

In the second manifestation of the model for external development of magnetic materials. The first magnet is converted into three new magnetic materials.

Fig. 8. Four straight magnets are depicted each with one line, around which magnetic waves extend. The second magnet was converted from the first, the third was converted from the second, the fourth was converted by the third magnet. The first and third magnets have reciprocal readings. The second and fourth magnets have reciprocal indicators. Each magnet has different three types of matter per shell. The total number of the different dipole is 1 Ϟ, 2 Ϟ, 3 Ϟ, 4 Ϟ is 12 species. © Petio Hristov — author.

Dark matter of the first kind has no mass. Gravity doesn’t work on it, and it’s always 100% in nature.

Dark matter of the second kind is three types of unknown matter. Each of these materials builds a universe of the Multiverse.

These three types of dark matter are located in a place in nature where gravity exists. It is not known if or how much gravity acts on each of them.

Dark matter of the third species are parts of the known universe. It is made of visible matter, but cannot be registered for objective and subjective reasons. Gravity acts on it, and it has a mass.

The familiar matter

The known matter can be divided into two main categories of non-living matter and biological living matter.

The non-live matter is formed in physical magnitude the worlds. It is the basis for the construction of biological living matter.

Biologically living matter is created in physical magnitude phenomena. Its main functions are to convert existing arcs of light into new types of arcs of light, convert rainbows of light into non-living matter, convert non-living matter of one species into another.

The sun, planets, mountains, soil, rivers are perceived as non-living matter. But this matter is a non-living matter only in terms of the level on the worlds from which it is observed. From the outer level of the world, this same non-living matter is now part of biological living matter.

The universe is a biological living matter in which there is non-living matter.

Types of energy

The dark energy of the first kind

Magnetic energy creates conditions for change in the universe.

The movement of planets, gravity, and physical magnitude of time is a consequence of magnetic energy in the universe

Magnetic matter and magnetic energy are connected in nature. The description of the internal and external development of magnetic energy is similar to the description of the internal and external development of magnetic matter.

The internal development of magnetic energy starts from one pole of a magnet, which is considered to be the initial force “C1” located at point “a1”. This force “C1” is converted into force “Ɔ 1” in point “c1” about the third force “Ƈ1” which is located in point “b1” of the magnet.

In the magnet, there are six forces C1, Ƈ1, Ɔ1 which are reciprocal to forces C2, Ƈ2, Ɔ2 as Ƈ1 = Ƈ2.

Fig. 9 Six forces in the magnet spectrum. © Petio Hristov — author.

The external development of the magnetic energies of a magnet. The six forces of the first magnet pass alternately into the three mirror arms of worlds, space, and phenomena and develop in their parts.

Six quantitative and qualitatively new magnetic energies are created in each magnet. The magnets are depicted as sections 2, 3, and 4 in Fig. 8.

The forces in the first magnet are marked 1C1, 1Ƈ1, 1Ɔ1, 1C2, 1Ƈ2, 1Ɔ2. On the second magnet, the forces are marked 2C1, 2Ƈ1, 2Ɔ1, 2C2, 2Ƈ2, 2Ɔ2.

In nature, there are twenty-four different quantitative and qualitatively magnetic forces.

When crossing in physical shoulder phenomena, magnetic matter associated with the magnetic forces in space is scattering. In the volume of the part of phenomena scattering and adsorption matter and energies begin their development depending on the frequency from which the envelope and dipole of the magnet are formed and the carrier of the phenomenon (magnet) — the four boson.

The four straight magnets intersect at an angle “φ” that creates special conditions between the fields of the four magnets. These conditions are manifested in the formation of all matter and energy in the universe and the Multiverse.

This angle creates harmony and evolution throughout the universe and can be perceived as its secret code.

The angle is φ ≈ 31,71747480 … (Fig. 8) For a more accurate calculation of the angle φ the formula can be used:

(10) 1 / tg φ — tg φ = 1

Fig. 10. The structure of the magnetic energy contained in four straight magnets is illustrated. To distinguish between different magnets are numbered and the poles are indicated by “+” and “-”. © Petio Hristov — author.

Multiverse — Dark energy of the second kind

Each type of quanta under certain conditions created by dark energy is converted into different types of matter.

The converted magnetic materials and energies of the four pairs by boson are quanta light, quanta smell, quanta sound, and quanta taste.

Each type of quantum is converted into a certain matter and energy. This process is similar to converting quanta light into visible and familiar matter and energy. There are three unknown matter and energy in nature, but their manifestations are familiar.

These different matter and energies make up four universes that are located in each other and form the Multiverse.

The dark matter and energy of a second species are expected to be observed in the same way as an aura observed around the known biological living matter. The observed aura is an electric field that has different colors induced by quanta light.

Dark matter and energy of the second kind have no colors. It has a shape resembling an egg or a form of biologically living matter around which is formed by smell, taste, and sound.

Quantum gravity and gravity

Newton’s law of universal attraction describes the interaction between two massive bodies. The formula contains a gravitational constant, but the law does not describe gravity, nor does it allow for its determination.

General relativity is a geometric theory by Albert Einstein. This is a mathematical construction for the fabric of space-time and since 1915 has not been allowed to determine gravity.

The fabric was invented to find a solution to the question: How is it possible for planets to move along the same orbit without changing it over time?

Gravity is never known before in science! Neither gravitas nor chameleons were found in nature.

To determine gravity requires the study of a new, unknown section of physics.

Gravity does not arise “spontaneously”. It arises in stages and is a consequence of the movement.

Movement in nature arises from the interaction between two main types of forces — magnetic and electric. They are similar, but different forces.

Now the gravitational constant is known. In the geometric Model of the development of everything, the gravitational constant is the element d = D = const. (Fig. 1)

The gravitational constant is the radius of the circumference that describes the change in the quantitative and qualitative values of the forces that create and maintain the four types of gravity in the universe.

Every atom, molecule, cell, constellation, galaxy, or phenomenon carrier have their gravity. All cells in one plant are “the same”. Depending on where each galaxy, constellation, or cell is located, a different external gravity acts on it. This different gravity causes each cell to develop differently so that it can perform a different function in the general.

The magnetic forces in the solar system that may be involved in creating movement in it:

- Earth and other planets have magnetic poles;

- Earth orbits the Sun in a giant cloud of dust. A ring of dust has in Mercury’s orbit and Venus’ orbit. Several rings of dust circle the Sun. There is an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. All these clouds may have magnetic forces;

- in the Kuiper Belt, which is an interstellar disk in the outer part of the solar system, magnetic forces can exist;

- in the theoretical Oort cloud, which is thousands of times more distant than the Kuiper Belt and is predominantly spherical and is called trans Neptunian objects, there is a possibility of the existence of magnetic forces.

The electrical forces are expected to be located in three radiation belts on Earth known as the Van Allen. The first two belts are internal and external. The third belt is a plasma “choir” that accelerates electrons to warp speed.

Radiation belts similar to Van Allen’s belt are expected to be around other planets.

Definition of gravity:

Gravity is a force that results from the sum of forces that change over time to determine the same gravitational constant.

Gravity is a consequence of created motion conditions.

The movement is a consequence of the interaction between twenty-four different magnetic and electrical forces. It is created in four different stages in the first six levels of the world. At each stage of the creation of the movement, there is an interaction between three forces and their three converted forces.

Gravity creates life. Life in the universe manifests itself in the carrier of a phenomenon. Each carrier of a phenomenon creates its gravity.

Gravity creates a gravitational mass, or matter acquires the property of weight.

Electrical forces occur when electrons move in a material environment.

Motion, magnetic and electrical forces, arcs of light, and existing matter create conditions for gravity to occur.

The first two stages of gravity occur in the first three levels of the world and are defined as quantum gravity.

Each stage of quantum gravity is formed by two electrical and one magnetic force and their converted forces.

The other two stages of gravity arise from the fourth to sixth levels of the world and are accepted as gravity.

Each stage of gravity occurs is formed by two magnetic and one electrical force and their converted forces.

Quantum gravity

Different arcs of light are composed of different “material particles”, some of which are known as elementary particles. A field of one kind of quanta light, under certain conditions, forms an arc of light.

Fig. 11. Quanta light is two types of indivisible “material particles”. They are composed of two threesome elements. Each pair of elements is illustrated with one color line. All elements rotate and have a spin or internal angular pulse. Each item has a different frequency. Basic structures of quanta light: (a) star — quanta light; (b) triangle — converted quantum light; © quanta light together with converted quanta light. © Petio Hristov — author.

In the first level of the world in the part of the time, the elementary particles are electron (e −), muon (μ −), and tau-lepton (ԏ −). They begin their movement at the two reflections in the part of the worlds, the particles of neutrinos (e), neutrinos (μ), and tau neutrinos (ԏ) are formed.

Existing particles are distributed in the space part by diffraction where electrons (e+), muon (μ+), and tau-lepton (ԏ+) are formed.

Fig. 12. The first arc of light. The red color is at the top of the arc. © Petio Hristov — author.

In the part of phenomena with the help of the carrier of the phenomenon, which here are viruses, the first arc of light and the first matter arises.

The first arc of light is formed by the elementary particles existing at the first level of the world together with converted neutrinos (e); converted neutrinos (μ); converted tau neutrinos (ԏ).

Electrical forces arise when electrons move. The interaction between magnetic forces and electrical forces creates the conditions for the electron to begin to rotate around its axis.

Viruses are the carrier of a world-first phenomenon. They convert elementary particles and moving electrons into ions.

In the second level of the world in the part of the time, the existing magnetic forces, electrical forces, the first arc of light, the movement of the electron around its axis, and the ions create the conditions for the first stage of quantum gravity to occur.

The quanta of the first arc of light are converted to a pion (π +); kaon (K +); and sigma (Σ +) and proton (ᵽ); neutron (ň); sigma (Σ ō).

They begin their movement at the two reflections in the part of the worlds, the particles of p-meson (π); K-mеson (K); eta (ɳ 0) and sigma (Σ 0); lambda (Λ 0); and omega (Ω -).

Existing particles are spread by diffraction in the part of space where are formed pion (π -); kaon (K -); sigma (Σ -) and proton (p); neutron (n); sigma (Σ 0).

In the part of phenomena with the help of the carrier of the phenomenon, which here are bacteria, the second arc of light arises, and the second type of matter — microelements.

Fig. 13. The first and second arcs of light. The second arc of light is reciprocal on the first arc, and the violet color is at the top. © Petio Hristov — author.

The second arc of light is formed by the elementary particles existing on the second level of the worlds together with a converted p-meson (π); converted K-meson (K); converted eta (ɳ 0), converted sigma (Σ 0); converted lambda (Λ ō); converted omega (Ω +).

As electrons move in the existing matter, a new type of electrical force arises. The interaction between magnetic forces and electrical forces creates the conditions for the electron to begin to orbit the proton.

Bacteria are carriers of a second-level phenomenon from the world. They convert the elementary particles of the second arc of light and moving electrons into microelements.

In the third level of the world, magnetic forces, electrical forces, the second arc of light, the movement of the electron around its axis, and the proton and trace elements exist in the part of the time. They create the conditions for the second stage of quantum gravity to occur.

The first arc of light and the second arc of light are spread by diffraction and atoms of microelements are formed. Atoms are the main building block of the substance and consist of a dense central nucleus with a positive electrical charge surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons. The atomic nucleus, in turn, is made up of a positively charged proton and electrically neutral neutrons.


On the fourth level of the world, the existing particles begin their movement at both reflections in the part of the world. New particles emerge.

Existing particles are distributed in the part of space.

In the part of phenomena with the help of the carrier of the phenomenon, which here are humans, animals and plants arise the third and fourth arcs of light.

Fig. 14. Four arcs of light. The first and third arcs start from one place and are directed with the red color upwards. The second and fourth arcs also begin from one place, and the violet color is directed upwards. © Petio Hristov — author.

type of electrical force arises. The interaction between magnetic forces and electrical forces creates conditions for the third type of matter — chemical elements and their compounds to occur.

This matter is accumulating. Planets are starting to form. The planets revolve around their axis and a central planet. Planetary systems are forming.

On the fifth level of the world, magnetic forces, electrical forces, a third and fourth arc of light exist in the part of the time, the movement of planets around its axis and around a central planet, and chemical elements and their compounds. Magnetic and electrical forces are acting on the central planet, which begins to “move” the chemical elements. The forces are also working on the other planets orbiting the central planet.

The surface of different planets heats up differently depending on the action of magnetic and electrical forces on a particular planet.

The movements of the chemical elements create solar activity on the central planet and it becomes a star. Conditions arise for the third stage of gravity.

On the sixth level of the worlds, the elements pass over the shoulder of worlds, and after two reflections on the part of worlds, the four arcs of light change places in space as shown in Fig. 15.

Fig. 15. A simulated representation of the location of the existing four arcs of light after shifting their places in the worlds part in the sixth level. © Petio Hristov — author.

In the part of phenomena with the help of the carrier of the phenomenon, which here are plants of the sixth level, four new arcs of light arise. The new four arcs of light are reciprocal to the previously existing arcs.

Fig. 16. Simulation image of the location of the new four arcs of light converted from existing arcs. © Petio Hristov — author.

As electrons move in the new particles forming fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth arcs of light, a new type of electrical force arises. The interaction between magnetic forces and electrical forces creates conditions for the movement of particles between the eight different arcs. The fourth type of matter arises — macro elements and their compounds.

At the seventh level of the world, magnetic and electrical forces around a central planet interact and propel the particles forming the eight arcs of light inside between the arcs themselves.

The fourth stage of gravity arises. The eight arcs of light form two light circles together with different radii. Between the two circles, there is a gray part.

The planets do not glow and are visible as black holes surrounded by two white circles of high activity.

17. Simulated image of the location of the eight arcs of light. Two pairs of reciprocal pairs of arcs are ((1 & 7) & (4 & 6)) and ((3 & 5) & (2 & 8)). The particles that form them move whirlwind in pairs of arcs. In the middle is a central planet that is visible as a black hole. © Petio Hristov — author.



Petio Hristov
Petio Hristov

Written by Petio Hristov

Researcher. I love the unknown. I’m looking for answers to fundamental physical questions.

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